Did You Know Your Gut Lining is Only One Cell Thick? Why This Matters and How to Protect It.

6 Minute Read
Gut Lining

Picture this: your home is built using a brick wall.

Easy, right? It makes sense.

Bricks are strong, sturdy, and have been used for centuries.

But now, picture that brick wall is only one brick thick. That’s it. No interior structure, no additional reinforcements. It’s just one brick thick. And that one brick-thick wall is the only thing between you and the world outside.

Well, that’s how your gut lining works. It’s a strong—albeit thin—essential protective barrier. Though delicate in many regards, it’s also a powerful protector that acts as the gateway to your innate systems that keep you well. And it’s not just a barrier, because while your gut lining needs to defend against harmful substances, it must also allow the absorption of nutrients.

The takeaway here is that your gut lining is a thin barrier with a big job to do in keeping you protected and healthy.

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What is the Gut Lining?

Let’s back up briefly. Before we dig into its astounding thinness, let’s talk about what the gut lining actually is.

Basically, your gut lining is made up of an epithelial layer of cells that do a few jobs. Two of the most important ones, as mentioned above, are nutrient absorption and defense.

These cells are held together by something called ‘tight junctions’. Tight junctions act as the gatekeepers. That means they’re the ones who allow the good stuff to pass through while keeping harmful would-be invaders out. (Sort of like a nightclub bouncer, except your body is the club.)

Taking into consideration the incredibly important job your gut lining does, it’s quite remarkable it’s only one cell thick. And it’s a double-edged sword, really. This thinness enables important things like permitting the right nutrients to be absorbed but, on the other hand, this thinness also makes it more vulnerable to damage and harm.

This delicate balance reinforces why maintaining gut health is both crucial and difficult. But it’s always a worthwhile endeavor. Because your gut isn’t just responsible for digestion; it plays a key role in immune function, mental health, and overall well-being.

The reality is this one-cell thick gut lining barrier is part of a major player in your everyday health and wellness.

Gut Lining is Damaged

What Happens When the Gut Lining is Damaged?

So, what happens when this all-too-important barrier is compromised?

Intestinal Permeability

A big problem is what’s known as “leaky gut syndrome,” where increased intestinal permeability allows harmful substances to enter the bloodstream. This triggers systemic inflammation, which is a problem on its own, but can also lead to autoimmune issues, too.

Digestive Issues

Compromised gut lining can also negatively affect your digestion and contribute to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food sensitivities, and other digestive issues like bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea.

Overall Health is Impacted

Unfortunately, issues that begin in the gut don’t often end there. A damaged gut lining is linked to a lot more than you realize—including mood disorders, immune dysfunction, and skin conditions such as eczema.

The truth is that your gut is innately connected to huge swaths of your overall health—meaning an unhealthy gut can spell trouble all over the body.

Corn Rows

So, What Can Damage the Gut Lining?

Poor Diet

(You knew this would be first.) Of course, diet is important for a multitude of reasons, and your gut health is absolutely one of them. A diet high in processed foods and sugar while being low in fiber can weaken the gut lining over time, especially because this promotes inflammation and disrupts the makeup of your gut microbiome.


A more surprising culprit for a compromised gut lining? Stress! Chronic stress can actually impact what’s known as the “gut-brain axis” (more on that here), alter the microbiota in your microbiome, and weaken the critical epithelial barrier of your gut lining.

Certain Medications and Exposure to Toxins

Too much of anything is usually a bad idea. That’s certainly true for some medications, like NSAIDS, which can erode the gut lining.

Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption and exposure to environmental toxins (like glyphosate) also harm the gut lining. Moderating your exposure to gut-harming substances is crucial to helping maintain gut health. Some of that is easier said than done. Skipping out on the booze or avoiding sugar is one thing, but some things, like environmental toxins, are virtually impossible to ignore.

So, how can we take care of our gut even in the face of the unavoidable?

Health Foods

How to Protect Your Gut Lining Going Forward

Eat for a Healthy Gut

In the same way you can eat foods that can harm your gut health, you can also incorporate “gut-friendly” foods into your diet – that means high-fiber foods, fermented foods (like yogurt and kimchi!), and bone broth.

Also, nourish and replenish your gut bacteria with probiotics and prebiotics, which are found naturally in foods like garlic and bananas.

Manage Your Stress

Moving your body with regular exercise and implementing mindful practices like yoga can help reduce chronic stress to help manage its negative impact on gut health.

Limit Gut-Harming Substances

Avoiding alcohol, processed and high-sugar foods, and unnecessary medications can help your gut health grow robust and protect your gut lining.

ION* Gut Support

Want to Take Your Gut Health to the Next Level? Incorporate ION* Gut Support.

If you really want to support a healthy gut lining (and healthy gut overall!), consider adding ION* Gut Support to your daily wellness routine.

Unlike other supplements, ION* Gut Support was created to naturally promote gut barrier integrity and overall health without adding anything new to your system. Instead of flooding your gut with a bunch of copied bacteria or another narrowly focused approach, ION* works with your body to support your gut where it really counts: on the cellular level.

In fact, ION* Gut Support keeps tight junctions tight, even in the presence of gut-weakening substances like glyphosate, and helps create a terrain upon which your unique microbiome can thrive.

The result is a happier, healthier, more productive, more protected gut.
And a healthier, happier you.

Happy, Healthy Gut = Happy, Healthy You

Sure, the gut lining may only be one cell thick, but its role in your health is absolutely monumental. Protecting this vital barrier is essential for maintaining overall well-being.

And thankfully, you can take steps to help protect it and keep it robust. By adopting gut-friendly nutrition, managing stress, and avoiding harmful substances, you can safeguard your gut lining and enjoy better health. And by incorporating ION* Gut Support, you can help restore and maintain your gut’s natural integrity—even if your diet isn’t perfect or you’re not a Zen-master…yet.

Try ION* Gut Support for yourself today and experience the difference a healthy gut can make on your overall well-being!

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