Glyphosate Exposure: More Extensive Than We Realize

6 Minute Read
Glyphosate Spraying

We all want to make the effort to adopt better habits to live long and healthy lives. What we eat, of course, plays a huge role in this. Along with a well-rounded and nutrient-rich diet, choosing organic food to avoid exposure to harmful toxins like pesticides and herbicides is a big step we can all take to live well.

However, many of us may not even give a second thought about these dangerous chemicals beyond simply keeping them off our plates.

After all, who would worry about going for a stroll in the park after a nutritious dinner?

Or playing recreational sports outside on the grass to stay fit on the weekend?

Or even going apple picking with your family for a fun seasonal outing?

While these activities may not seem to have much in common, there’s more they share than meets the eye. A danger lurking where we can’t see—but we can certainly feel in our bodies and in our overall health.

Because all around us is an invisible, dangerous, ever-prevalent, proven-harmful chemical.


Glyphosate Spraying

What is glyphosate?

Glyphosate is the most-widely used herbicide in the world. We often associate its use (rightfully so) for its global popularity in agricultural farming, especially for crops like soybeans, corn, and wheat.

Glyphosate, in addition to this worldwide ubiquity, also has the unique distinction of also being increasingly linked to a heightened risk for cancer (especially non-Hodgkin's lymphoma), liver damage, chronic illness, and many more health problems.

Washing vegetables

How does glyphosate get into the body?

Unfortunately, glyphosate is not just dangerous, it’s virtually unavoidable.

One of the most nefarious things about glyphosate is simply its worldwide popularity. It is, simply put, everywhere. Glyphosate is in our water, soil, air, and our bodies. It’s even been found in breastmilk!

Because it’s everywhere, it’s very easy for glyphosate to get into our system via simply breathing, eating, drinking, and it can even be absorbed through the skin.

Glyphosate is an herbicide often used in agricultural outfits to control weeds on crops, those “in the know” regarding this toxic chemical often think about its exposure as it relates to our food and the importance of opting for organic whenever possible.

But glyphosate is, unfortunately, found in so much more than simply our food. Think about the desire for weed control in today’s world—it certainly goes far beyond large-scale agricultural crop outfits.

These are a few places you’d find glyphosate that you may not necessarily expect, but may want to take into consideration.

1. Orchards and vineyards

While food-adjacent, these may not be the first place your mind jumps to when you think about the risk of glyphosate exposure. But, orchards and vineyards are not excluded from being commonly treated with the herbicide—meaning our tree fruits and wine are exposed to this dangerous toxin, too.

2. Non-crop areas

Weed-control and control of other unwanted vegetation doesn’t end at crops or where we grow vegetables and fruits. Other areas where this control is needed? Roadsides, railway tracks, and industrial sites. Areas like these are often treated with glyphosate and thus, pose an exposure risk for everyone who is in contact with them.

3. Landscapes and gardens

For professional and personal use, these spaces can be hotbeds for glyphosate exposure, thanks to its common use by both homeowners and professional caretakers.

4. Parks and other recreational green spaces

Parks may be one of the first places you’d think to encounter glyphosate in regards to weed control specifically, but consider that fields used for sports, and other recreational areas can (and often are) be sprayed with glyphosate for controlling vegetation and for overall aesthetic purposes, too.

Mountain Top

How does glyphosate affect our health?

But the most nefarious thing about glyphosate isn’t that it’s unavoidable. It’s what it actually does to our health.

Another place glyphosate really does a negative number on our wellness? Our gut. In fact, glyphosate packs a double wallop for our body’s biggest defense system.

First, because glyphosate has antibiotic properties, it can harm the crucial balance of your microbiome. Second, glyphosate exposure loosens the tight junctions in the gut. This means the entire function of the gut is compromised—allowing toxins in and leaking nutrients out, causing inflammation to run rampant in the body.

Both can lead to major health issues.

ION* Gut Support

How does ION* Gut Support help your body defend it from toxins like glyphosate?

…so, what is the answer? Never go outside again?

Absolutely not!

Yes, glyphosate is unavoidable. And yes, we can’t change that it’s been used for so long or so widespread. But that doesn’t mean giving up.

Because we can take steps to protect ourselves, individually, from its harm.

We can take control of what we put in our bodies and make supporting our body’s own defense systems to protect against glyphosate and other harmful chemicals a priority.

That’s where ION* Gut Support can be a game-changer in the fight against glyphosate.

Because your body’s defenses are primarily found in the gut (over 70% of your immune system is there!) starting with your gut is a good place to begin building up your “armor” against dangerous environmental toxins like glyphosate.

Remember how glyphosate has been shown to weaken and loosen tight junctions in the gut? ION* Gut Support improves gut resilience to glyphosate within 16 minutes.

Yes. Just sixteen minutes!

Basically, as soon as you take ION* Gut Support, you are helping protect yourself against glyphosate. (This is massively important when you consider how often you can come into contact with this chemical every single day.)

By incorporating ION* Gut Support into your daily routine, you’re supporting your gut at a foundational level and boosting your body’s ability to defend against dangerous toxins.

And that’s certainly not all supporting your gut with ION* can do. Because ION* works at the foundational level to support your gut health, everything your gut is connected to is supported as well. This includes digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, brain health, mood, and more.

ION* works with your body to bolster your own defenses, so your unique microbiome is supported, allowing it to flourish and thrive. (Compared to probiotics, which can flood your system with only a few strains of bacteria and lead to a monoculture.)

ION* Gut Support is a unique daily wellness solution. All-natural and backed with proven science, ION* goes beyond probiotics, prebiotics, and other narrowly-focused supplements to give you a stronger foundation upon which your own body’s defenses can work as Mother Nature intended.

While ION* is strong, effective, and fast-acting, it is simple and easy to incorporate into even the busiest daily routines.

Glyphosate exposure isn’t going anywhere yet.

But you can start protecting yourself from its harm now.

Try ION* Gut Support today.

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